saya baru je ok ckit from my slsema n cough..=) sungguhpun begitu, saya tidak boleh berehat akan tetapi perlu menyiapkan kerja melambak + bace notes of law n IT management (MGT) 4 da sake of the coming test!!! sgtlah menyampah.. jadi, dgn pakse rela.. saya berusaha untk myiapkan tutorial MGT which hve been given to me be4 hols! hehe... last minute mmg cm 2... =p saya sangka tutorial trsebut boleh dilaksanakan dengan written by hand tetapi apakan daya..rupa2nya lecturerku mahukan ia ditype dengan cmputer..hehe.. 2 kerja yg perlu saya buat.. tapi....jeng3!!!! IM DONE BABEH!!!!! baru je siap tadi..hikhikhik.. >;p saya sedang berusaha mencari maklumat about the iTalk..penat seyh.. tak boleh copy and paste pun ...hukhukhuk... ='( sungguh memenatkan..
but later on, i'll search for it sum more ek! chiayok2!!! ( semangat untk diri sendiri)..huhu after this, im gonna EATTTTT!!!!!!!!!! wanna know y? sebab oksigen dalam otak saya sudah kehabisan..i mean, almost habis la kan.. if dah habis, takkan saya boleh write my post ni, kan? (^_~)
makan= more oksigen for brain = can absorb more = penat = makan = bla3...hehe... = OBES!!! saya tak mau obes, but saya mahu makan!!!! ok lah, saja je ni sbananye..hehe... coz dah habis kerje.. but i need to concentrate on biz law pula after this!!!
TIME IS GOLD!!!!! need to finish all the assignments given on time lor!!!!
*btw, saya ingin berusaha menggunakan bahasa malaysia semula.. tetapi kurang berjaya..hehe bhs rojak msti ade tmpt yg tersendiri kan???? we can use it tyme informal.. but BM is BM in formal occassions rite??? saje je coz last nite tgk sgment ALLY - xbleh ke gne bhs rojak..hehe.. ROGER N OUT!
My class is actually a combination of students from 3 courses ; Biz Economy, Biz Human Resource, Biz Marketing. ( 18 students ONLY!!!!) Sket gler kan? hurm.. tp bgsla!! supposingly a class always cnsist of 30-50 stdents... ( xtau la students yg patut msk kt Uitm Perak ni gi manne...huhuhu..noone bothers.. =p ) so, 4 dis post .. i wanna make brief dscriptions bout my lecturers!!
my Economics lecturer..MR KARUNAGARAN..i use 2 called him ABG KARU..! hurm, quite a macho indian lectrr , not sure bout his status yet~~~ sgttttt pendiam n he's d only lectrr yg ajar gune slide show + bapak laju die ajar!!! ni die nye cliche~ " everyone understands???.... (silent) now, u can close all ur books, take out a piece of paper. We're gonna hve a quiz today." dh la in 1 hour blaja byk glerrrrrrrrr..., dat day jgk kne quiz yg msk dlm my carry marks...sob3
Mr Amran- my Accounting lctrer.. =) He is sooooo 'sekeping' + tall!!! Formerly he was an kan?? pelik.. auditor=$$$tp over time, we will try to search for a job dat suit us n satisfy us more kan??? dis is wht actlly happen 2 him..hehe best die ajar! he's so tolerant.. n sgtlah baekkkkkk!!!! His cliche ~ "Faham x smue? semue ok ke? nak sy ulang x? .." baek kan??? huuuuuu.... (^_^)
Pn Wan Shahrul - Biz IT lctrer.. she's so cute, n very kind lctrer. =) actlly i dont like dis subjct so's full of techncal terms yg sgt bosan.. but i shall try my best to see d sbject in different perspective!!! after all, she's a sweet lectrer anyway!!! x best la if x score class die.. akan sgt rase brsalah...huuhuhuu =')
Mr Rosli - my englsh language lctrer He's a biz-minded person..sangat....! He always ask us to make our own biz kt univrct jual bracelett, necklace, keronsang n even jual BUDU!!!!just attempt la mksudnye..hahahaha! => He graduated wif 2 degrees - economy + TESL.. kewl kan??? =p He studied in USA..SOOOOO....die sgt slalu brcerita bout his experiences there...gud 4 us! kehkehkeh >;p cliche ~ " Where r we just now??? " sbb die asyik crite smpi agak lari dr topic...hikhikhik
Mr Tay - mandarin language He's very patient in teaching us..huhu.. quite a shy guy but since kitrang bukak topic bout Jay Chou , Sammi Cheng etc , we become closer!!!! He's so surprised to hear dat 1 of my classmates is 23 yers old..huhu.. so, we tried to guess his age, tp die x bgtau.. but he said dat he does not reach 25 yet..huhu.. either 23,24 or mayb dis yer 25..kan??? so young.... fresh graduate from UPM la katekan..hehe... muke pon sgt mude.. =) save the best 4 da last!!!! my biz law lectrer-MR AZHAN !!! mlut sgt laser + sgt kepohhhh!!!! die x pnah write on d white board tyme ajar kitrg!!!! he just sit, n we just listen 2 his 'big mouth'!!!! hahahahaha! giler power ah! name pun ckgu law kan? msti la hafal evry case..gler ar..huhu pastu he always use his own creative 'case' yg buatkn kitrg sng ingt..hahahahaha!!! cliche die sgtlah byk!!!! "ko nak tak ni????" ( veryyyy loud - example of a proposal) "kang aku cabut gigi kau, nak? " ( sgt kuat jgk - whenever kitrg gelak besar dgt his example) "aku korek lobang idung ko bg besar nak? " ( ble students senyap ble x dpt jwb sdgkan die blom ajar lg dat topic..haha! ) "ko ni kan, blom interview lagi dah kene buang tau!.. ( ble org x dpt jwb soaln die bg) "aku dah tanam bdk ni kt kubor bwh tu " ( ble cite psl senior yg sengal sket )
ni example case die sndiri tau ---- " ko nak tau tak??? kat umah aku ade kucing.. aku bela kucing tu.. 2 ekor!!! 1 wane hijau... 1 lg wane pe??? ( die tnye org... but die yg jwb sndiri...) wane PINK!!! pink tau x??? =p ko gelak? ko x pecaye??? gi tgk kt umah aku nnti.. pastu aku nak jual kucing2 ni... ade org nk beli... so, org yg nk beli 2 ckp.. " nak beli kucing bleh? " so sah x contract die?? ade contract x kt situ???? MANE BOLEH!!! there's UNCERTAINTY!!!!!! ko ingt 2!! if nk beli kne certain, nk warne ape, bape ekor, jantina ape.. br la contract ade... hahahaha!!!!" gns btol mr azhan ni kan??? tp sng nk ingat actlly bile die bg dienye own cases... thanks sir!!!!
* 2 la 'brief' dscriptions psl my lectrers.. smue ade charcter sndiri..=) smoge smue ilmu yg diorg bagi, diberkati... => btw, if tesilap eja or pape, phm2 je la ek.. =p
The differences btween KYUEM n UiTM PERAK ( frm pija's point of view) ..=p
1. There're so many faclties (mostly ARTS) n da distance btween our hostels n facs isquite farrrrr... ( name pun uni kan..ape da mak nenek ni..ish3... ) 2. Not like other unis, majority of stdnts here r taking DIPLOMA.. bdk2 dgree r just minority here.. but we shall survive!!! (^_~)
3. Our new head of MPP is a degree stdnt!! from my course! biz economy..hehe..=) he's in d 2nd sem = my age now!
4. Every wik, we'll b gven rm 32 as d food subsidy..hehe.. tp food kt DH sgt la x sdap..isy3..poor me.. =( but at least, nk gak kerajaan bagi.. alhamdulillah... =))
5. Girls kt cni sgt la suke melawa!!! = MINAH MAKE UP GILER AR!! tp most of them tak menggedik.. cume nk streskn yg diorg ske make up..huhu
6. Evry Tuesday we hve 2 attend dco curricular actvty..>:( n we hve our own ACTIVITY CARD!!! ( kena dtg smate2 nak mintak signature + cop dr si organizer..siot btol..sengal!!!! ) 7. Every nite, mmmmaaaaaaaannnnyyy students will start their biz; selling guavas,nasi lemak, sanwiches,choc cakes,burgers n bykkkkkkk lagi!! dari PINTU KE PINTU plak 2! gler ar! diorg x malu pun nk jual2 barang...most of them come from kuarge yg agak sush..=) .. x prnh tgk dat kind of passion kt cllge dlu.. i'm so impress kat diorg!
8. My rom is at d 2nd floor of angsana block ..huhu.. gler pnat la naek 2run tangge but i'm used 2 it now..=>
9. 1st tyme in my life dpt rum8s yg laen2 umor!!
e ah ~ 21 yrs old ( Dip in Estate Management ) ika ~ 20 yrs old ( Dip in Office Management ) atith ~ 19 yrs old ( Dip in Quantity Surveying )
n diorg sgt havoc!!
10. Campus Directr sgtlah otai!!! x skema lgsung!!! sempoi gler! kepale die botak + sgt suke pki jeans + slalu 2run maen soccer ngan stdnts ptg2 + ske gne loghat perak tyme berucap..hahaha!
* i'm lookin 4ward 2 xperience more of UiTM PERAK..hehe.. hwever, i'm proud 2 b d 9th batch student of KYUEM.. i miss d cllge n our memories 2gether... =') pasni pija crite bout my classes plak k??? =)))
nk ingatkn kt cni, UiTM tu univrct whilst KYUEM tu, kolej wat A levels..haha! sbenanye nk crite psl UiTM, my new plce of study! woohoooo!
wa... it has been quite awhile since my last post kan??? korg rindu x???...huhu.. btw, thre're so many stories dat i wanna share wif u guys!!! especially my NEW n INTERESTING EXPERIENCES at UiTM PERAK!!! hurm... actly, i myself didn't expect dat I'VE FALLEN FOR.... uitm perak's environmnt of study lor!! nak crite mcm2, but let me think 1st okay? (^_~) have 2 arrange the points coz to many in my head.. x tau mane nk start dlu.. =p btw people... i'm gonna be at home, celebrating my freedom!!! from 23rd jan - 1st feb! yuhooooooooooooo!!! (^_^)